

请阅读以下有关成为交换学生的常见问题的答案. 如有任何问题没有在我们的常见问题解答下面,请 澳门买球投注网. 我们期待收到您的来信!

对你.S. 希望出国的学生

不完全是,这取决于你的交换目的地是哪个国家. 作为交换生, one of your main goals will definitely be to improve your skills in the host country’s language to the best of your abilities. 你的寄宿家庭和学校不希望你这样 流利的 当你到达时. 然而,交换到美国的学生有最低的语言能力要求. Students exchanging to other countries via NWSE need to have at least one year of high 学校 foreign language study of the language of the exchange destination - OR - have taken at least one summer (approx. 3个月的强化外语课程,使他们达到最低水平的熟练程度.
在大多数情况下, exchange students are assigned to classes based on the academic requirements and class availability at the host 学校. 你可能无法选择/接收你想要的所有课程. 同时我们也很乐意将您的偏好告知主办学校, 我们不能保证你会被安排在所有你想要的课程中. 一般, 交换学生只有在到达接收学校后才能注册他们的课程. Check with your NWSE coordinator and/or your host family for the specific class registration procedures at your host 学校.
There is no guarantee that you will be able to take the classes abroad that your home 学校 may recognize for "credit". Whether and how you may receive credit for any of your 学校 work abroad is something that you will need to determine together with NWSE and your own 学校 before long before departing on your exchange. It is in the end your sole responsibility to find out and comply with any requirements that your 学校 may have for transferring/receiving academic credit from abroad.
是的. 作为NWSE的交换生, you will participate in a pre-departure orientation in your home country as well as a post-arrival orientation in your host country. These orientations are designed to help you make the most of your program and have a safe and successful exchange experience.
作为NWSE的交换生, you will have an in-country area coordinator who is there to assist you in the event of problems. 你可以 also always contact your program coordinator at the NWSE office or call the 24-hour NWSE phone line if you need help. We are committed to supporting all of our students to help them have a safe and happy exchange experience.
你在国外期间,一切个人费用自理. 由于消费习惯和当地物价差异很大, 很难确切地说你需要带多少钱. NWSE generally recommends that students have available at a minimum $200 per month plus $250 per semester for personal expenses, 虽然可能需要更多的资金.g. 如果你经常乘坐公共交通工具的话). 也请查收 我们的兑换国家页面 有关项目费用和其他费用的信息. 如果你还有其他问题, 请澳门买球投注网.
你需要一本有效的护照来申请签证或居留许可以及出国旅行. 你可以 了解如何申请美国签证.S. 护照在这里. NWSE will provide you with detailed information on how to apply for your visa or residency permit. 然而, it is your responsibility to take all the required steps to obtain the visa or residency permit and pay for all the associated expenses. 请注意,有些国家要求你前往他们在美国的一个领事馆.S. 申请签证.
因为我们的首要任务是为我们的学生找到合适和积极的寄宿家庭, 我们不保证在东道国的特定城市或地区的安置. Experience shows that the success of the exchange is unrelated to the geographic location of the placement and depends largely on the relationship the student is able to build with their host family, 同行, 以及他们所在社区的其他人. 如果你已经认识一个家庭愿意让你住在我们的 交流的国家,我们也许可以考虑让你与他们合作. 请 澳门买球投注网 澳门足球开户信息.
寄宿家庭的组成差别很大. 而有些家庭的孩子上高中, 其他人可能有更小的孩子, 不再住在家里的大一点的孩子, 或者没有孩子. 作为交换生, 你应该有足够的积极性, 开放的, and adaptable to build a positive relationship with your host family regardless of whether they have children of your age.
While applicants for the NWSE program are usually expected to have an average grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 / 4.NWSE在决定是否接受学生时考虑了一系列因素. 如果学生能在其他领域证明适当的资格, NWSE可以接受GPA低于3分的学生.0.
Students who graduate from high 学校 within a few months of the desired program start are welcome to apply for NWSE outbound programs to any country except England, 日本, 挪威, 或瑞典. Graduated students are subject to the same academic expectations on the program as other students.
作为交换生, your priority is to learn about your host country’s culture by participating actively in the day-to-day life of your host family, 学校, 和社区. 如果你想在项目期间旅行, 你必须提前申请NWSE的许可. 项目期间的一些旅行通常是被禁止的.g. 回原籍国旅行(某些情况除外).
在NWSE收到您的申请并对您进行面试后, 可能需要几周到几个月的时间才能确定你的位置. Recruiting and screening a host family and securing a student’s 学校 admission are complex and time-consuming processes. NWSE will inform you of your placement in time for you to make all the remaining necessary preparations for your travel and program start.
Hosting an exchange student is a wonderful opportunity for the entire family to share in the exchange experience. 请浏览我们的 寄宿家庭页面 澳门足球开户信息. 如果你的家庭接待了NWSE交换生, you may be able to take part in an outbound Reciprocal Exchange with substantially lower program fees. 请 澳门买球投注网 有关此程序选项可用性的详细信息.



请浏览我们的 德国 or 日本 页面或 请求更多信息. 我们期待收到您的来信!

Neither NWSE nor any other exchange organization may guarantee or promise participation on a sports team at any host 学校. 每个主办学校或学区都有自己的参与要求和程序. 话虽如此,几乎所有想参加运动队的学生都可以参加.
学期和互惠交流通常持续5-6个月. 学年交换持续约10个月. J-1交换生的最长期限为一学年. F-1交换可能允许更长的交换. 有关F-1交换的更多信息,请直接与NWSE联系.
Neither NWSE nor any other exchange organization may guarantee or promise graduation from any host 学校 for J-1 exchange programs. 每个主办学校或学区都有自己的毕业要求和程序, 或者可能有其他潜在的方式来承认你上过他们的学校.
NWSE课程不允许交换学生驾驶. Students may be able to participate in a driver's education course but cannot drive while on their exchange.
首先你应该浏览我们的整个网站. 请随时打电话或发邮件给我们 nwse@jieyangw.com. or +1 206 527 0917. 我们会立即将您需要的信息发送给您. 如果您已经准备好发送完整的申请给我们,请 网上注册. 请务必通过电子邮件或电话与我们联系,您可能有任何问题. 我们期待收到您的来信!
很容易! 如果您已经想发送完整的申请给我们,只需 网上注册. 完整填写报名表,并按照说明提交. 如果您有任何问题,请务必通过电子邮件或电话与我们联系. 我们期待收到您的来信!
NWSE通常不保证您在特定城市或州的安置, 除非你是在“直接交易”或“直接配售”. 对于所有其他位置, we send your application information to our Academic Coordinator network and match you with a family or exchange partner who we feel would be the best match for you. For "Direct Placements" - If you can suggest a host family and host 学校 in the specific area in which you wish to study that meet all NWSE qualifications for acceptance, 那么,我们就可以把你的请求视为……直接/私人配售". 在这种情况下,您将享受我们项目费用的大幅减免.


“(我的寄宿家庭和我)彼此之间有着直接的良好联系. 我觉得现在我在美国有了另一个家……我们和很多人都有很好的关系……


“我在这里遇到的每个人都以某种方式让我对自己有了更好的认识. 我必须说,这是我在这里最大的印象. 任何时候你和别人说话…


“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. 他们的个性带来了很多不同的……


“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. 我们的孩子了解了不同的文化,以及如何更好地沟通.…
